Our Partners/Associates

(For custody of funds, securities and fund accounting)

Orbis Financial Corporation Limited : www.orbisfinancial.in

(For purchase and sale of shares and other securities on stock exchanges)

HSB Securities & Equities Limited : www.hsbsecurities.com

(For the PMS Pool Account & individual NRI bank accounts)

HDFC Bank Ltd : www.hdfcbank.com
IndusInd Bank Ltd : www.indusind.com


Kamlesh Kumar Bhargava
Chartered Accountant

Disclaimer: Our partners / associates are the agencies whose services are being used by us for the management of our portfolio management business. None of our partners/associates are responsible for the conduct of our business, and cannot be held legally responsible for losses, whether real or notional, caused due to our actions / inaction in managing the investments of our clients.